Monday 25 May 2015

Goal reflection for term 2

If you remember last term I had made a post about my 3 goals for 2015. That post had info about what my goals are and how much I've improved on getting close to achieving them. In this post I'll be doing the same thing.
Here are my 3 goals:
  1. I want to get my gold award
  2. Get my Merit, Excellence and Distinction badges to show leadership 
  3. To try and get head or deputy girl for 2016

With my goal for getting my gold award well I think i am doing ok , I mean it's term two and I have one of my small certificates for my bronze award so I still have a long way to go but hopefully I manage to get my bronze by the end of this term

My leadership badges goal is doing really good I've done a lot of blog posts but not enough and I've done all my can do's and must do's so that means I'm almost up to my merit badge! :)

For my third and last goal , it's really basically connected to my second goal because in order to get a place as a leader I will need to show good leadership which is basically the same thing to get my leadership badges.

So that was my reflection for this term on my 2015 goals
Thanks for reading

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